Where to Find Free Stock Images

Posted by Tiffany Yang on Sep 19, 2019 9:00:00 AM

where to find stock images

Did you know 80% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing? According to HubSpot, when people hear information, they're likely to remember only 10% of what they heard three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with the same information, people retain 65% of that information three days later. That is a significant difference!  One tricky aspect of sharing images is you have to be very careful about copyright issues. Luckily, there are platforms available to you where you can download and use their images for free. Here are five we like:

  1. Pexels
  2. Unsplash
  3. Pixabay
  4. Stockvault
  5. Gratisography
  6. Instasize

We recommend including images with your marketing efforts for:

  • Blog posts
  • Emails
  • Social media content
  • Digital/print flyers

Keep in mind these stock photo platforms have millions of free images. Here are some real estate keywords to use to help you narrow down your search:

  • Real estate
  • Houses
  • Neighborhood
  • Realtor
  • Mortgage

Happy visual marketing! For more marketing tips, check out our blog category "Real Estate Marketing." For more resources, check out our Resources Page.

More Resources

Tiffany Yang is a freelance digital marketing specialist, branding expert, and social media influencer. Visit tiffanyevanna.com to learn more. 

Related: How to Evaluate Online Reviews for Mortgage Lenders, Establish Credibility on LinkedIn with Industry News



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